Suicide Prevention
Visit the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline website.
Notice: The Office of Suicide Prevention website is informational and not intended as a crisis response or hotline.
Preventing Suicide Is Everyone's Business
The mission of the Nevada Office of Suicide Prevention is to reduce the rates of suicide and suicidal acts in Nevada through statewide collaborative efforts to develop, implement and evaluate a state strategy which advances the goals and objectives of the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention.
Our Vision
It is our hope that the Nevada Suicide Prevention Plan will provide a catalyst for collaborative action, improved understanding and increased wellness in communities across Nevada. This plan is based on the strong belief everyone has a role to play in suicide prevention, and those individuals and groups which address the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of individuals and communities must work together if we are to be effective.
Suicide Prevention
- Adult Suicide Prevention
- Youth Suicide Prevention
- Survivors of Suicide Loss
- Myths & Facts
- Risk Factors
- Warning Signs