Enroll Now (New Students)
This information is provided to assist you with registering your child in a Douglas County school. The school district has zoned school attendance areas. You can use our school zone finder tool to determine what school your child should attend. In addition, when completing the Online Registration Process your child's zoned school will be provided to you based on your residence.
Before you begin the registration process, please gather the following information:
- Household information - address and phone numbers.
- Parent information - work and cell phone numbers.
- Student information - demographic and health/medication information.
- Emergency contact - phone numbers.
Note: Required fields are marked with a red asterisk, and the district will receive the data exactly as it is entered. Please be careful of spelling, capitalization and punctuation. Dates should be entered as MM/DD/YYYY and phone numbers as XXX-XXX-XXXX.
Once you have submitted the initial Online Registration information, you will receive an email confirmation that it has been approved. You will then need to provide the following documents to your child's school in order to complete your child's school enrollment:
- Original birth certificate or other document suitable as proof of the child's identity;
- Proof of Residency (Proof of Residency Checklist - English Spanish);
- Complete and up-to-date immunization records or a
Religious Immunization Exemption or
Medical Immunization Exemption
Religious Immunization Exemption (Spanish) or
Medical Immunization Exemption (Spanish)
Online Registration Contact
Phone: 775-392-1470
Variance Information
There are two types of variances available:
Inter-District variances are used when a family lives in a county other than Douglas, but would like their child to attend a Douglas County school.
Intra-District variances are used when a family resides in Douglas County, but wants their child to attend a school outside of their zone.
Below you will find the appropriate forms and instructions for both types of variances.
Intra variance application - spanish
Please note: Site principals can approve or deny any variance request. A new variance application must be completed and submitted each school year. Generally, school sites begin accepting variance requests during the summer months for the upcoming school year in order to ensure their site has the capability of servicing the variance requests based on enrollment.
2024-25 Kindergarten Registration:
Nevada School Law states that a child must be five (5) years old by August 1st to attend kindergarten during the 2024-2025 school year.