Grants & Accountability
Progress Monitoring Information
The district’s progress monitoring program includes State and Local assessments including Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBAC), WIDA, State College and Career Readiness, Nevada Alternative Assessment, Career and Technical Education, Science, NAEP, and the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments.
Assessment Information
Department Information
Ashley Mitchell - Grants Coordinator
Teri Olson - Accountability Specialist
Janet Carter - Grants Specialist
Jessica Hendrix - Progress Monitoring Specialist
Office: 775-782-5160
Major responsibilities:
- Compliance with federal and state accountability requirements.
- Accountability requirements as mandated by the Nevada Revised Statutes, such as data for District Accountability Reports and the System of School Accountability.
- Administrative oversight for student school days in session, statistical month calendars, class sizes, enrollment, withdrawal, attendance, and count of pupils for apportionment. Data for graduation rates, attendance, truancy, and transiency, program enrollment and participation, and pupil achievement and school performance.
Accountability Information
The Grants Office is responsible for the management and oversight of all federal, state, and local grant funding in the District. This includes competitive and formula-based grants along with categorical grants. The Grants Office oversees fiscal requirements, programming compliance, and evaluation reporting on all grants.
Additional Resources
- DCSD Path Forward Plan
- McKinney-Vento Information
- Title I, Part A
- Prospective Grant Form
- ESSER III - Use of Funds Plan
- Grant Budget Documents
- Progressive Discipline Plan
- Nevada Grants Management (ePAGE)