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Educational Services

We cover the vast area of curriculum and instruction for our district, as well as a host of other services such as Summer School, the Douglas County Parent Advisory Council, and Homeschooling to name a few.  If you are a parent, this is most likely the department you will contact to get your questions answered.

Curriculum & Instruction

The Nevada Academic Content Standards

In 2010, Nevada adopted the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math. Upon adoption, the standards became known as the Nevada Academic Content Standards (NACS). The standards are a set of expectations and guidelines for what students should know and be able to do in order to graduate high school and be prepared for college or for a career. 

Teachers use the standards to design lessons and assessments of student learning. It is important for parents and families to understand what the standards are in order to know how to help students be successful. 

Nevada Department of Education

Here you will find links to all of the Nevada content standards, including the Common Core ELA and Math standards, as well as a wealth of other information to help you understand what the standards are and why Nevada adopted them.

Family Life and Sex Ed (FLSE) Curriculum

Department Information

Shannon Brown - Executive Director

Leslie Peters - Assistant Director

Tandy Erickson - Administrative Assistant

Office: 775-782-7170

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate from the Douglas County School District, students must:

  • Earn a minimum of 23 credits
  • Participate in all state assessments

State Assessments

Students must complete the following state assessments:

  • Math End of Course Exam
  • English End of Course Exam
  • Science State Assessment
  • College and Career Readiness (CCR) Assessment - ACT
  • Civics Test
