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Substitute Information

Substitute Information

Again this year, we are facing an extreme substitute shortage, so I am reaching out to parents, grandparents, family members, and our community today. We are in desperate need of teacher substitutes, classified substitutes, and substitute bus drivers. 

Quality substitute teachers, paraprofessionals, and bus drivers are critical in our students’ day-to-day learning, and we need our parents’ help to fill these vital roles. Substitutes keep our classrooms, buses, and nutritional service running every day. 

We do not want to reach the point where we do not have enough substitutes, which could impact our children’s education, so we need your help by becoming a substitute for the Douglas County School District. By becoming a substitute, you will have the opportunity to impact your children’s education and potentially all of the children in our community.

Please apply to be a substitute for the Douglas County School District!  Flexibility is a huge perk of the job, you can work the days you want, and at the schools of your choosing.

Contact Information

Human Resources: 775-782-7177 x 1601 Diane Coston:

2024-25 Rates


Apply Today!

Please apply to be a substitute for the Douglas County School District!  Flexibility is a huge perk of the job, you can work the days you want, and at the schools of your choosing.

Apply for your Nevada Substitute License through OPAL


Apply for Douglas County School District Substitute Jobs 
Complete your STEDI Training Course

To apply for a Nevada Emergency Sub License, you will need to complete the Educator Licensure Application to the Nevada Office of Educator Licensure.

We want to emphasize that the emergency license allows someone to substitute if they have a high school diploma or equivalent and wouldn’t be required to have the traditional credits needed for a traditional substitute license.

Apply for your Nevada Emergency Sub License through OPAL

emergency sub application



Learn how to become a licensed substitute in the state of Nevada


View our substitute recruitment and Q&A Video