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Portrait of A Learner

Providing learners ACADEMIC Opportunities that promote durable and real-world skills.

Empowered Learners

Set goals, create opportunities, try new experiences for meaningful learning, have high self-efficacy, understand the importance of trusting teammates, have the skills and know-how to take on worthy challenges and goals and have a growth mindset that allows for learning from mistakes.

Prepared Learners

Possess the tools and perseverance to be critical thinkers, are motivated to take the next steps in their journey, are open to new ideas and are willing to embrace new experiences while being ready to be uncomfortable.

Inspired Learners

Are passionate to discover challenges and are open to new ideas and problem-solving while working with mentors and learning new ideas from their peers.

Connected Learners

Share thinking and common goals and learn more about others through conversation while developing relationships beyond the school environment.


set goals, create opportunities, try new experiences for meaningful learning, have high self-efficacy, understand the importance of trusting teammates, have the skills and know-how to take on worthy challenges and goals and have a growth mindset that allows for learning from mistakes.

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set goals, create opportunities, try new experiences for meaningful learning, have high self-efficacy, understand the importance of trusting teammates, have the skills and know-how to take on worthy challenges and goals and have a growth mindset that allows for learning from mistakes.

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are passionate to discover challenges and are open to new ideas and problem-solving while working with mentors and learning new ideas from their peers.

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share thinking and common goals and learn more about others through conversation while developing relationships beyond the school environment.

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 I felt empowered because I was working with new people doing something new.Hudson
Grade 5

I learned about the future of the school system and how we're improving upon it and trying to mold people to be better and to advance the world in a better place. And I like where it's heading.Alexander Z.
Grade 11

I thought it was inspiring to meet with a bunch of different kids from different schools, different ages, kids that I didn't know personally. I liked working with them as a group because it was just fun. It was fun to make a car ramp and to make things with these kids that I didn't know.Charlie
Grade 8

I felt like my voice mattered to the project.

Grade 10

The staff is obviously fired up as they have built upon the foundation and kept with it. A program like this is EXACTLY what this district needs. We should be getting national news for doing amazing work!Woody Worthington
Green Our Planet

The most impactful take away I had was that with all the facets working together: Teachers, School Districts, Community Members, Parents and Students there is a greater chance of students excelling not only in school, but in finding career pathways, other job opportunities and really a chance to learn the way that works for them.Mark Estee


Video Showcase

Skill Sets & Mindsets