Portrait of A Learner
Providing learners ACADEMIC Opportunities that promote durable and real-world skills.
Empowered Learners
Set goals, create opportunities, try new experiences for meaningful learning, have high self-efficacy, understand the importance of trusting teammates, have the skills and know-how to take on worthy challenges and goals and have a growth mindset that allows for learning from mistakes.
Prepared Learners
Possess the tools and perseverance to be critical thinkers, are motivated to take the next steps in their journey, are open to new ideas and are willing to embrace new experiences while being ready to be uncomfortable.
Inspired Learners
Are passionate to discover challenges and are open to new ideas and problem-solving while working with mentors and learning new ideas from their peers.
Connected Learners
Share thinking and common goals and learn more about others through conversation while developing relationships beyond the school environment.