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Closings & Delays

Snow Day Information

Our location in the Sierra Nevada mountain range means that there are weather-related school closures and delays.  You'll find it helpful to become familiar with the procedures in these events.

In the event of inclement weather, it may become necessary for Douglas County School District to call either, Main Bus Stops, Late Start (one-two hour delay) or a Snow Day. DCSD’s first consideration in making these decisions is the safety of the students.

It may become necessary for us to cancel school, delay pickup times by one or two hours, or pick up students at specific stops for Lake Tahoe Schools (called Main Stops). 

This decision will be made no later than 6:00AM, and our website and Facebook page will display this information by 6:30AM. You will also receive an auto-dialer message informing  you of school closures or delays, providing we have your correct phone numbers. You can check that by logging into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account and checking your contact preferences and phone numbers.

Local radio and TV stations will also announce school closures or delays.

valley - Snow day information             lake - Snow Day Information

Late Start

Late Start is called if it is determined that it would be safer if the buses picked up students one-two hour later in the morning and the weather conditions are such that the buses can make it home safely in the afternoon. One to two Hour Delay means pick-up times listed above will move forward one-two hours.

Snow Day

A Snow Day is called when it is decided that it is safest for DCSD students to not attend school due to weather or other conditions being unpredictable. If any Snow days are called during the first semester, the days must be made up at the end of the school year, and the WHS Graduation date will move the same number of days. If any Snow Days are called during the second semester, the days must be made up at the end of the school year, but the WHS Graduation date will stay the same.

Automated Auto-Dialer system

Our automated dialer system will call students’ home phone numbers and announce “Snow Day”, “One Hour Delay”, “Two Hour Delay”, or “Main Bus Stops” no later than 6:30am.

Please note:

  • No message will be sent out if it is school as usual.
  • Main Bus Stop notifications will not be reported on the TV stations.
  • No notification system is foolproof. Power outages and technical problems can arise. DCSD will do its best to keep you informed.
  • Predicting the weather is always a difficult task. Conditions at Lake level can be quite different from conditions at the top of Kingsbury Grade, and weather conditions can change very rapidly. All applicable factors will be taken into consideration.
  • Decisions will be made with the safety of the students as the first priority.
  • It shall be the ultimate responsibility of the individual bus driver to assess whether to travel into areas where road conditions may be hazardous to the safety of the students.

Any questions concerning school bus transportation should be directed to the Lake Transportation Coordinator, 775-588-1650.

Not getting an autodialer phone call or message?

Check your Account Settings and verify your phone number in your Infinite Campus Portal

Make-Up Days & Distance Learning Information